This projects Back-end was made on Laarvel. We stored data through contact form & registeration process of every user and their records. Front-end was made in Bootstrap, to jQuerry.
This project was made for a cooking brand. It consisted of three pages main landing page about the brand, second page was about their recipees from youtube channel and las was a contact page!
I recently visited Warner Bros with my family. After checking out their website, I didn't find it much atractive and therefore decided to make a better version!
This was a blog I wrote when I joined University. The theme was Presentationas most of us do get anxiety when speaking publically.
This was written on the heartbreaking incident of George Floyed in US.
This project was built in C++. Our inspiration was from Tesla to build an autonoumous car prototype. This could detect obstacle and evaluate their cost damage depending on its environment and give the most optimal solution.